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CTA Gives Self Mostly Passing Grades

By Margaret Lyons in News on May 15, 2008 6:39PM

2008_5_15.inworkingorder.jpgThe CTA released a report yesterday of how the agency is meeting its "performance indicators" for the first quarter of '08. The CTA says its metrics are "ridership, on-time, efficient, safe, clean, courteous." Interesting tidbits from the report:

++ Ridership is up. Over 2 million more people rode the CTA in March than in January or February.

++ The CTA's goal is to have 78 or fewer rail delays of ten minutes or more per month.

++ Bus bunching, fleet maintenance and bus cleanliness appear to be the CTA's weakest suits. In other words, this report could be titled "Things That Probably Won't Surprise You."

Read the one-pager here. Oh, and CTA? That scrolling favicon? It's assaulting our eyeballs. [Photo by Katherine of Chicago]