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McCain Visits Chicago

By Kevin Robinson in News on May 20, 2008 1:00PM

2008_5_20.mccain4.jpgJohn McCain made a campaign stop yesterday at the National Restaurant Association trade show in Chicago. In town with former Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Joe Lieberman, McCain slammed Obama for his support of corporate welfare for agribusiness and proposing to meet with states like Iran over diplomatic conflicts. On Sunday Obama said in a speech in Oregon that "Iran, Cuba, Venezuela -- these countries are tiny compared to the Soviet Union.... They don't pose a serious threat to us the way the Soviet Union posed a threat to us. And yet we were willing to talk to the Soviet Union at the time when they were saying, 'We're going to wipe you off the planet.'" McCain criticized Obama for his "inexperience and reckless judgment," saying that "on the contrary, right now Iran provides some of the deadliest explosive devices used in Iraq to kill our soldiers."

McCain was interrupted during his speech by a group of anti-war protesters, who stood up and chanted "McCain is in the kitchen with George Bush cooking up another war." After they were escorted out, McCain received his only standing ovation of the night. His attacks on Obama were largely met with only polite applause. Obama hit back at McCain's attacks, replying that "anything but their failed cowboy diplomacy that's produced no results is called appeasement. Here's the truth: when the world was on the verge of nuclear holocaust, Kennedy talked to Khrushchev and got those missiles out of Cuba. Why shouldn't we have the courage to talk to our enemies?"