Today in Awesome: Sun Tornadoes, Goats, Free Mod Rugs
By Margaret Lyons in Miscellaneous on Jun 3, 2008 9:37PM

Photo by bowl rider
If the headline "Giant Tornadoes Seen Erupting From the Sun" doesn't make you excited, I don't want to you know. Sort of like if you don't like my paintings... [National Geographic]
Every instance of the word "guy" in the Operation Crooked Code complaints. Amazing. [Derivative Works]
Marilyn Monroe lifting weights. [via]
Prairie Mod is giving away a cute 3x5 rug worth $160. [link]
Kid Cicero is one adorable goat. And high fives for the Sun-Times for calling him " a goodwill ambaa-aa-aa-sador." Meehehehehe. [S-T]
A company called FriendsWithYou makes tchotchkes called Wish Come True. Oooow, my heart. [Rotofugi]