Michael Reese Hospital to Flatline
By Tim State in News on Jun 7, 2008 5:06PM
The landlords of the 37-acre, 127-year-old Michael Reese Hospital announced they will be pulling the plug on operations, citing ownership changes, increasing competition, and the rising number of uninsured patients who can’t pay their bills. The closure is anticipated to happen some time this fall, making way for the property to be redeveloped for the 2016 Olympics.
The closing will bring to an end a vibrant life for a historic medical facility on the city’s south side:
Louis Katz, the Medical Research Institute's first full-time investigator and former president of the American Heart Association, was one of the first to explore the relation of coronary heart disease to cholesterol concentration in the blood. Cardiovascular Institute researchers Dr. Alfred Pick and Dr. Richard Langendorf, perfected the use of the electrocardiograph. Leonidas Berry was a pioneer in the development and use of the gastroscope. Dr. Samuel Soskin and Dr. Rachmiel Levine made important discoveries about the "gatekeeper" action in insulin, which is of fundamental importance to the understanding of diabetes. Dr. Albert Milzer and his research team were the first to kill the polio virus and make an effective vaccine against this debilitating virus.
Recently, we were walking through the tired looking facility and snapped the photo above. More snapshots after the jump.