A John Barleycorn by Sox Park?
By Chuck Sudo in Food on Jun 27, 2008 2:31PM

The fight between longtime Bridgeport staple Jimbo's lounge and landlords Ray and Donna DeGrazia took an unexpected twist when recent court filings indicated that the DeGrazias had reached an oral agreement to replace Jimbo's with a John Barleycorn. Barleycorn owner Sam Sanchez eventually backed out of the deal due to the continuing court battles and twists involving Jimbo's protracted eviction, which even owners Jimbo and Joyce Levato admitted is ultimately an academic conclusion.
Still, even the thought of a John Barleycorn at the corner of 33rd and Wells is enough to give one douche chills and believe in the saying "Hell freezes over." Understandably, Bridgeport residents interviewed in the story weren't pleased to hear that a Barleycorn was what the DeGrazias had in store for the space. You would think that lifelong Bridgeport residents like the DeGrazias would have their fingers on the pulse of the neighborhood.
Nice of the Sun-Times to wait until the Crosstown Classic shifts to Sox Park today to run with the article, as well. We're trying to prevent fist fights from breaking out this afternoon, Bright One. We must admit to having some curiosity about being within walking distance of one of the world's best beer bars.