Trib Redesign On The Horizon
By Margaret Lyons in News on Jul 21, 2008 7:11PM

On the left, the Trib's front page from June 14, 2008 (via). On the right, today's Orlando Sentinel, which may be what the Trib will look like in the next few months.
Changes are afoot at the Tribune, and not just in staffing. Newly installed editor Gerould Kern is overseeing a complete redesign, according to Crain's. A new look has been in the works for a while, but it's moving ahead faster than scheduled for Saturday editions.
A version under consideration devotes the paper's front section to consumer-oriented and entertainment features. Local, national, international and business news is consolidated in the second section. Weather leads the third section, which also includes comics and classifieds, while the sports section is converted to a tabloid format.It's not clear how many of these changes will make it into the final version of the prototype, which a spokesman calls a "work in progress." But aspects of the prototype that prove popular with readers are likely to find their way into a full-scale redesign of all editions of the paper, which Tribune expects to debut by September.
The Orlando Sentinel, one of the Trib company's smaller papers, launched a redesign in June to mixed reviews. [Crain's]