Progress in the Lane Bryant Murders Investigation?
By Margaret Lyons in News on Aug 1, 2008 5:27PM

It's been six months since the Lane Bryant murders in Tinley Park, and the investigation continues. Apparently police are pursuing two different theories, at least according to stories in the news today. One theory is that the quintuple murder may be linked to the Chatham murders, in which five people were also killed—and police have made arrests. The other theory has sent police to Texas to investigate possible financial wrongdoings within a defunct church where store manager Rhoda McFarland had been an associate pastor. McFarland was one of the five victims.
According to the Trib, "the fact that investigators are aggressively pursuing the church angle signals they are looking at scenarios far different from the botched-robbery theory authorities have publicly discussed."
But the Sun-Times says investigators are looking to compare DNA evidence from the thus-far unlinked crimes, and "sources told the Sun-Times that the Texas probe isn't likely to lead to a major break in the case." [S-T, Trib]