Weis Hobbles Top Deputy
By Prescott Carlson in News on Aug 23, 2008 1:34PM
We're having déjà vu over here. Back in 2006, then Police Superintendent Phil Cline was criticized for redefining the duties of his First Deputy Dana Starks, effectively removing Starks control over day-to-day police operations as well as oversight of the now disbanded
Strike Team Special Operations Section. Now, current Police Supt. Jody Weis has made a similar move with First Deputy Supt. James Jackson. Weis has removed Jackson as the chair of the Merit Board, which makes decisions on officer promotions, and Jackson no longer has the authority to control department transfers. A Sun-Times insider source says:
"The superintendent is taking power away from Jim Jackson because he has no confidence in him. He feels Jimmy is too laid-back. He's not aggressive enough. He's not a go-getter. The only thing up is crime."
The source went on to say that Weis would like to knock Jackson out of his position altogether, but doesn't want the racial hellfire that would rain down on him. [S-T, photo from the City of Chicago website]