One Great Sandwich (Breakfast Edition): Southport Grocery's Brie, Spinach, Mushroom
By Jacy Wojcik in Food on Sep 18, 2008 6:30PM

Our recent visit to Star Lounge Café delighted our specialty coffee needs but we will confidently say that their sandwiches alone are a reason to go back. Particularly for breakfast. They offer an egg, bacon, and cheese sandwich as well as a bagel with peanut butter and banana (childhood fav!) but the sandwich that stuck out most was the brie, spinach and mushroom hot panini. And yes, for breakfast. The savory brie oozed out the slightly buttery, toasted ciabatta and there was just the right amount of vegetables inside- enough to make us think we’re actually having a healthy breakfast and not enough to overpower the sandwich. Choose grapes instead of chips and you’ve got yourself a meal. The secret to their sandwich? They get it from the highly adored lunch spot, Southport Grocery. Ahh yes. It’s all starting to make sense. Star Lounge’s specialty is coffee and they’re stickin’ to it. Better to get your sandwiches from a place that specializes it than throw some turkey on bread and serve it to your patrons like many coffee shops do and shouldn’t.
photo by LStolpman