Come Sale Away - Halloween Costumes
By Ali Trachta in Miscellaneous on Oct 15, 2008 8:15PM

Halloween is coming up quicker than Sarah Palin at a first-come, first-serve scrunchy sale at Marshall's, so it’s time to snag a costume before they all get picked over. Where to go? Here’s our list:
Fantasy Costumes
4065 N. Milwaukee
It huge, and it has all the classics. Our favorites from the website are Beer Pong Man, Slutty Referee, and Barbie's boyfriend, Ken.
Halloween Hallway
222 S. Wabash
Conveniently located in the South Loop so you can pick up something spooky on your lunch hour.
Broadway Costumes, Inc.
1100 W. Cermak
Open since 1886, this shop provides high quality theatrical costumes for the Halloweener who wants to make a serious impression. Warning: this is not for the bar-goer who's going to get it spilled and puked on.
When in doubt, just go to Belmont between Sheffield and Halsted and walk around. You’re bound to find something creative yet delightfully trashy at one of these stores:
The Alley, 3228 N. Clark
Egor's Dungeon, 900 W. Belmont
Ragstock, 812 W. Belmont
Hollywood Mirror, also listed as 812 W. Belmont (below Ragstock)