Bottletops: Chronicling 2-1/2 Years of Beer Reviews
By Chuck Sudo in Food on Oct 20, 2008 8:00PM
Bell\'s Oberon: the profile that led to the \"BotW\" series (\<a href=\"\"\>June 8, 2006\<\/a\>).

Hitachino Nest Weizen (\<a href=\"\"\>BotW, July 11, 2007\<\/a\>).

Moylan\'s Hopsickle IPA (\<a href=\"\"\>BotW, March 26, 2008\<\/a\>).

Three Floyds Gumballhead Wheat Ale (\<a href=\"\"\>BotW: July 18, 2006\<\/a\>).

Stone Arrogant Bastard (\"\<a href=\"\"\>Well, Aren\'t You An Arrogant Bastard?\"\<\/a\>, Feb. 3, 2006).

Left Hand Brewing\'s Milk Stout (\<a href=\"\"\>BotW: Nov. 28, 2007\<\/a\>).

Brewery Ommegang Abbey Ale (\<a href=\"\"\>BotW: August 20, 2008\<\/a\>).

St. Peter\'s Cream Stout (\<a href=\"\"\>BotW: Feb. 14, 2007\<\/a\>).

BReckenridge BRewery\'s 471 Small Batch Double IPA (\<a href=\"\"\>BotW: July 23, 2008\<\/a\>).

New Holland \"Pilgrim\'s Dole\" wheat wine (\<a href=\"\"\>BotW:May 16, 2007\<\/a\>).

Victory Prima Pils (\<a href=\"\"\>BotW: July 18, 2007\<\/a\>).

Ska Pinstripe Red Ale (\<a href=\"\"\>BotW: April 25, 2007\<\/a\>).

Founder\'s \"Blushing Monk\" (\<a href=\"\"\>BotW: Oct. 3, 2007\<\/a\>).

Lindeman\'s Pêche Lambic (\<a href=\"\"\>BotW: July 27, 2006\<\/a\>).

Dogfish Head \"Palo Santo\" Marron (\<a href=\"\"\>BotW: March 12, 2008\<\/a\>).

New Glarus Unplugged Belgian Quadruple (\<a href=\"\"\>BotW: Sep. 27, 2007\<\/a\>).

Bell\'s Double Cream Stout (\<a href=\"\"\>BotW: Feb 21, 2007\<\/a\>).

While doing a deep cleaning of the kitchen and pantry over the weekend, we bought some ceramic magnets and crazy glue at our local hardware store, then glued the magnets to some bottletops we'd saved over the years in a Chinese takeout container atop the refrigerator. When we were done we had 43 brand new bottletop refirgerator magnets.
It's a creative way of reusing those old bottletops. Moreover, it put into clear focus how many beers we've profiled for Chicagoist over the years. Since we launched "Beer of the Week" in July 2006 we've only missed one week. This isn't being boastful; what these bottletops reminded us was why we just love profiling beers for our readers. There are so many different styles of beer that we find it a more interesting subject than wine.
We compiled a gallery of some of the bottletops, along with links to their corresponding reviews.