How To Enjoy the Bucktown Apple Pie Contest in 2009
By Jacy Wojcik in Food on Oct 20, 2008 8:15PM

1.Arrive the minute the doors open. This way, you won’t have to wait in line just to get in and will have more than 10 pies (out of 75) to choose from if you come a bit later.
2. Don’t bring a purse or backpack. Not only will this free up room to juggle pie, fork and coffee but you also won't be rammed into every five seconds in the crowded, hot room.
3. Be four years old. Or bring a four year-old to enjoy pumpkin painting. They all seemed to be having a grand time.
4. Enroll in culinary school, become top pastry chef in city, receive invitation to judge the event. This way you can taste all the pies and not have to risk spending all your tickets on dry, syrupy slices with crust that falls apart before it hits your paper plate.
5. Don't go to Time Out Chicago's Annual Chili Cook-Off. If you do, you will appreciate the opportunity to actually talk to the people responsible for food you are tasting instead of being shoveled a piece from a volunteer who had nothing to do with making it.
The Bucktown Applie Pie Contest is a fine fundraising event for Holstein Park, bringing the community and local chefs together for the love of pie. Unfortunately, sometimes very "successful" events become overwhelming and more of a hassle than an enjoyable experience.
Photo by romanlily