Give Back: Literary Edition

- Open Books is looking for donations of gently used books for their Great American Book Drive event on Sunday. Volunteers at the River North site will gather, sort, and box the books, which will then be sold by partner Better World Books to raise money for Open Books’ literacy programs, like Reading Buddies and Creative Writing Field Trips. Set up as a “drive-through book drive” event, you can literally pass your donations out through your car window and scoot on your way.
213 W. Institute Place, October 26, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
- The SCRABBLE for Literacy Challenge is a chance to play Scrabble – competitively or just for fun – and benefit adult literacy programs in Illinois and the JumpStart program. Includes a chance for players to test their tile-placing skills against national Scrabble champions, activities for kids and a silent auction for items like gift certificates to local restaurants, museum tickets and signed books. Literacy Volunteers of Illinois, with support from the local chapters of the National Scrabble Association, are sponsoring the event.
1233 N. Wells, Grossinger City Toyota, October 26, 1 p.m. – 5 p.m., $25 adults and $10 teens – children 12 and under Free.