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Extra, Extra

By Marcus Gilmer in News on Oct 31, 2008 11:00PM


Photo by efroten
  • Eight people were hurt, some seriously but none life-threatening, in a multiple car accident on the Northwest Side this morning that involved a Fire Department ambulance
  • Internet muckraker Matt Drudge is reporting that representatives from three newspapers that have endorsed McCain are being booted from the Obama campaign pool. Some reports are that room is being made for documentary filmmakers or for major television reporters.
  • Test results were revealed today for the state's schools. Both the Trib and the Sun-Times have rundowns of the report.
  • As if he doesn't have enough on his plate, Chicago Police Superintendent Jody Weis is in trouble for saying about Sen. Barack Obama, "he's hopefully going to be our next president." While it's not an official endorsement, it's close enough that it's considered misconduct. Weis was addressing a television reporter about the upcoming Obamapalooza rally next week.
  • Sad news from Ravenna, Michigan: a 62-year-old man bowled a 300 game but then collapsed and died from a massive heart attack only minutes after finishing the game.
  • And, finally, a follow-up on the death of Studs Terkel. His new book, P.S.: Further Thoughts From a Lifetime of Listening is set for release Monday, according to