Do This: Lost Abbey Beer Dinner at The Publican
By Chuck Sudo in Food on Nov 10, 2008 5:00PM

We can certainly be accused of overhyping the Publican in recent weeks, but this dinner they're having tomorrow evening bears a mention if only for the beer company whose brews they're featuring.
The Lost Abbey (brewed by Port Brewing Company of San Marcos, CA), brews some amazing Belgian-style ales. The three selections they submitted to the Wood and Barrel Aged Craft beer festival last weekend were some of our favorites; we'll have a review of the fest up this afternoon. Tomorrow night from 5:30-10:30 p.m., brewer Tomme Arthur will be on hand to discuss his insights into brewing and the beers he's providing for a special brewmaster's dinner. Cost of the dinner is $70; no reservations required.