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Veteran Cop Fired for Stealing Trail Mix

By Prescott Carlson in News on Nov 20, 2008 6:42PM

trailmix.jpgAaron Pena, a 22-year veteran with the Chicago Police Department, has found himself out of a job after he was charged with stealing a bag of trail mix worth $1 at a Walgreens on West Cermak. Pena, who according to Chicago Police Board testimony was dubbed the "Mayor of 26th Street" by local residents, is alleged to have been caught on security video going into the store to purchase two bags of trail mix, then returning for a third which he did not pay for. Pena admits that he did leave without paying, but not on purpose -- it had simply "slipped [his] mind."

Pena testified that he had opened one bag and thought it was so good he wanted a third. But he said that as he walked to the front of the store to pay, he became concerned that he couldn't hear his radio. He said he forgot about the extra bag when he went outside.
Pena blames his bout of forgetfulness on a stroke he had in 2005, which he says "occasionally left him 'unfocused'." If what Pena says is true, and he appeared distracted or rushed, we're surprised a clerk didn't casually "remind" him that he hadn't paid. Maybe it has something to do with two similar incidents involving Pena the city's attorney alluded to that happened at the same Walgreens. Pena also was in hot water for not reporting to a dispatcher that he was leaving a crime scene to go on his little snack run. But that seems like a minor infraction, and since Pena was acquitted of the misdemeanor theft and the other two are unsubstantiated reports, does he really deserve to lose his badge? Seems like there's another layer to this story that has yet to be reported. [Trib, Photo by bastique]