Extra, Extra
By Marcus Gilmer in News on Dec 9, 2008 12:00AM

Photo by Detroit Chris
- Tribune publisher Tony Hunter has issued a statement on today's bankruptcy filing by the Tribune Company.
- Speaking of issuing statements, Bank of America did as well regarding the Republic Window and Door factory protest.
- The Trib explores the mischievous real estate dealings of Rep. Luis Gutierrez that involve contributors.
- Irony, thy name is Stroger.
- Police are still investigating what looks to be a gang-related drive-by shooting that wounded three Northwest Side teens last night.
- The FBI is looking for leads in the case of the "Day Break Bandit" who has robbed at least two banks in the south burbs. He's earned the name by robbing banks as they open.
- The state is mulling over Obama-themed specialty license plates.
- Purdue University is selling off the naming rights to seven new types of bats and two new types of turtles. Rhogeessa Chicagoista, anyone?