MBPOTUS Seeking Sublet
By Prescott Carlson in News on Dec 13, 2008 7:34PM
It's pretty clear the Barack Obama is anxious to get started leading the free world, with the fake government office and the counter-programming of the president's weekly address, but there's one thing Obama seems to be having trouble doing early -- moving his family to Washington.
Obama, wanting his daughters to be able to start at their new school right after winter break, requested that him, Michelle, and the kids be able to move into the Blair House before the customary January 15th date. The Blair House is the official guest residence for the White House used for visiting foreign dignitaries, as well as receptions -- it's also already inside the White House security zone, making it more convenient for the Secret Service. But that's not going to happen as the Bush administration responded to the request with, "Uh, we're already kinda using it?" Seems the Blair House is booked solid with "receptions and gatherings" and as a halfway house for George Ryan, making it "[un]suitable for full-time occupancy by the Obamas yet."
So if you know of anyone in the Washington, DC area that can take in a family of four, a dozen federal agents, and a puppy, give ol' Rahm a ring. NO FREAKS.
Photo of Blair House by Ken Lund