Extra, Extra
By Marcus Gilmer in News on Jan 5, 2009 11:30PM

Photo by scrapplequeen
- The Sun-Times is reporting this evening that Chicago Real Estate mogul Steven Good has been found dead in a Kane County forest preserve. Not many details are known other than that the body was found shortly after 8 a.m. this morning inside a red Jaguar sports car.
- An interesting read from Politico regarding Roland Burris's prosecution of Rolando Cruz.
- Experts are predicting a bad year for condo sales in the South Loop.
- Three babies, ages 4 months, 14 months, and 16 months, were turned over to Illinois Department of Children and Family Services this weekend after officers found them living in squalor.
- That promised WiMax service is still (allegedly) coming to Chicago with the new ETA a vague "late 2009."
- For a two-hour stretch on December 20, some customers using debit cards at Macy's stores may have been charged multiple times. This kind of thing would never happen at Marshall Field's.
- If you like watching train wrecks, here's Jay Mariotti's first column at his new Fanhouse home. It's unsurprisingly atrocious, as expected. Self-aggrandizing, too.