Extra, Extra
By Marcus Gilmer in News on Feb 24, 2009 12:00AM
- The Sun-Times looks at Amber Cremeens, the McHenry native killed last week by her ex-boyfriend Tyler James Martin, who shot himself after a stand-off with police in Logan Square on Friday.
- State Attorney General Lisa Madigan is prepping a lawsuit against Caterpillar, Inc. over the huge oil sludge spill from earlier this month.
- The Arlington Heights-based company responsible for Golden Tee is gambling on a new slot machine.
- Today in WTF: Local teens think Rihanna shares blame for Chris Brown's attack on her.
- If you're riding the Red or Blue Lines after 9 p.m. tonight, be prepared for delays and reroutes.
- Got an iPhone? Than you may want to check out "Pay2Play," a new video game inspired by the shenanigans of our former governor.