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The Race to Replace Rahm Heats Up

By Kevin Robinson in News on Feb 23, 2009 5:20PM

2009_2_rahm_emmanuel.jpg The two leading Democratic candidates to replace Rahm Emanuel in Chicago's Fifth Congressional District both made news over the weekend. In Federal Elections Commission reports that cover that cover Jan. 1 through Feb. 11, state Rep. Sara Feigenholtz's campaign reported that she has raised $550,594 since the campaign began, with $306,000 in the bank and $70,000 in debts. Regardless, she announced that she will loan her campaign $100,000 because she is "close to winning" the Tribune reports. "I want to put my money where my mouth is," she said. Adding muscle to her claim is State Comptroller Dan Hynes's endorsement of her. Hynes, who may be a gubernatorial candidate next year, is only the second statewide office holder to endorse in the race. State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias, who may be a candidate to replace Roland Burris in the U.S. Senate, has endorsed state Rep John Fritchey.

Fritchey, on the other raised $454,310 during January and early February, with $397,023 in the bank. That number comes with a small hiccup, though. His campaign said Sunday that it has refunded a $1,000 contribution from Judith Palumbo, who is listed as the owner of Palumbo Construction. In 1999 two Palumbo companies admitted to fraud, overcharging taxpayers on more than 60 Chicago-area road projects. Two members of the Palumbo family served prison terms and were banned from federal and state highway work. The Fritchey campaign returned the money yesterday. "We wrote her a refund this morning," Fritchey campaign manager Josh Levin told the Tribune. "It was a mistake to take it."