Ravinia Adds Jumbotrons; Your Move, Millennium Park
By Alexander Hough in Arts & Entertainment on Apr 2, 2009 6:20PM
In the battle of outdoor music venues, Millennium Park holds a commanding lead: it's free, the overhead weave of speakers ensures even sound throughout the lawn area, and the sightlines are good. It's on this last point that Ravinia was particularly lacking. We've spent more than one cabernet-addled evening facing the wrong direction or immersed in shrubs, having given up on trying to be involved with the performance.
Well, Ravinia is submitting to the will of the peasantry and addressing this deficiency, adding two video screens to either side of the Pavilion, with additional screens added to the lawn for some concerts. Not only will you actually get to see the band you came for, you'll also have more landmarks to use to find your friends when returning from the bathroom.
Additionally, to prevent an uprising of suburban proportions, Ravinia has frozen its ticket prices to last season's levels (thanks?) and will be offering discounts for some of its shows this summer. [NBC]