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Deng Done For Season

By Benjy Lipsman in News on Apr 10, 2009 7:30PM

While the Bulls now seem poised to clinch a playoff berth, they'll have to plan on taking on the rest of the Eastern Conference without one of their best. Luol Deng, who has missed the past five weeks with a stress fracture in his right tibia is done for the regular season and at least the first round of the playoffs. Should the Bulls -- likely looking at a seventh or eighth seed -- move on to the second round, there's a very slight chance he'd be ready to return, but the odds of both those things happening are long. The Bulls don't want to rush the fifth-year forward in order to avoid surgery, which would prolong Deng's recovery. Coach Vinny del Negro told the press, "It's just best for Luol. He has been trying to come back, but he's having setbacks here and there. It's just the smart thing to do right now. We'll continue to re-evaluate it. But right now, we'll let him get some rest and move forward." [Tribune]