Quick Bites
By L. Stolpman in Food on Apr 16, 2009 5:30PM
- If you hate Andrew Zimmern and his disgusting habit of talking with his mouth full while making gross, wet mouth noises...you're not alone.
- Chick teabaggin'. Oh, sorry, Chick-fil-A.
- Chicago Foodies thinks you'll like tomato bread pudding.
- Lifehacker (how we love you!) had a great, simple recipe on how to make cold-brewed coffee.
- Michael and Donna Ruhlman put together a chart that lists the ratios of fat or butter, liquid, sugar, flour, etc. goes into various doughs or batters. Once you know these ratios, you can pretty much take off running and create your own recipes.
- Hello, Padma. Rrrawr. Gives 'Top Chef' new meaning. (NOTE: SHE IS NAKED. Nothing showing but NSFW, nonetheless.)
- We won't say what a dried persimmon looks like. No matter how those taste, we have RNC Tea-Bagging flashbacks just from looking.
- Borsch! Learn how to make it and more about the history of the mighty beet, courtesy of Hungrymag.