Illinois Ahead in Stimulus Projects
By Tim State in News on Apr 19, 2009 9:07PM
If there is one thing we can thank the former Governor for, it’s the gridlock in state funding he helped to create that has left a long list of “shovel ready” projects. Illinois may have benefitted from this laundry list, of sorts, winning quick approval for many transportation projects in the federal stimulus program.
Illinois ranks No. 1 among the dollar-value of road and bridge projects receiving federal approval under the stimulus measure, federal and state officials have said. More than $600 million in funding has been approved for nearly 250 projects that Illinois officials say could generate 9,000 jobs.
Fighting between Blago and state lawmakers prevented public works plans from ever being approved, which left many projects meeting the federal governments “shovel ready” requirement.
[U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray] LaHood also touted expectations for Illinois' role in $8 billion of federal stimulus funds being earmarked nationally for high-speed rail development in selected corridors across the nation, particularly with Chicago serving as a proposed rail hub for routes to Milwaukee, St. Louis and Detroit. [Trib]