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Some Smart Chicago News: Parking Stickers Streamlined

By Karl Klockars in Miscellaneous on May 6, 2009 7:30PM


Since the focus on parking in Chicago has been almost entirely aimed (and rightfully so) at the parking meter debacle and LAZ, a little bit of good news is always appreciated. Believe it or not, someone in City Hall is actually making it easier to take care of your parking stickers. If you require both a city sticker and a residential parking sticker, Miguel del Valle and the office of the City Clerk have rolled the two together. From the City Clerk's website:

For the 2009-2010 vehicle sticker year, there will no longer be a separate annual residential permit parking sticker. If you purchase an annual residential parking permit, your new vehicle sticker will now include your residential parking permit zone number (as depicted below). The permit parking zone number is printed right on the vehicle sticker.

In addition, residential parking daily passes have been redesigned into an easy-to-use, label-type format.

While you're at the City Clerk's website, take a minute to poke through some of the City Council information on there as well. Part of the office's streamlining efforts have included making more information about meetings and legislation available online, and it's a good resource to have on hand. It's your city, after all - shouldn't you know what's going on with it? Despite Mayor Daley's apparent desire to run an entirely "secret government," it's good to know that someone is making this information easily available. [via]