Extra, Extra
By Marcus Gilmer in News on May 7, 2009 11:00PM
- Police shot and killed an 18-year-old man late last night after the man had opened fire in a South Side convenience store, injuring four.
- Carlos Hernandez-Garcia, 19, has been charged in a hit-and-run that occurred Monday night and killed two pedestrians.
- WBEZ's Eight Forty-Eight talks to Gary Goehl, who knows a few things about Chicago corruption, and his recent NY Times op-ed.
- DuPage County Board Chairman Robert Schillerstrom is the latest Republican to throw his hat in the ring for next year's gubernatorial race.
- The Trib has the story of 101-year-old Anna Mae "Babe" Ahern, who lives at Evergreen Country Club, and her recent eminent domain court victory over the village of Evergreen Park.
- Roosevelt University is bringing back its athletics program beginning in the fall semester of 2010.
- The Bulls may no longer be in the playoffs, but you can't ease your pain with this nice piece on today's 20th anniversary of "The Shot." (Thanks, Brian!)