Madigan Mulling Move to Senate
By Kevin Robinson in News on May 13, 2009 2:20PM
Perhaps taking a page out of her archenemy's play book, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan told Michael Sneed that she's considering a run for Senate. Lisa told Sneed that she had gotten recruitment calls from the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee, saying "they have told me polls show me doing very well." But that's not all! Sneed also learned that Madigan "sent word" to Chris Kennedy, President of Merchandise Mart Properties, Inc and son of RFK, who is also considering a run for Roland Burris's seat, that she was thinking of running for senate.
Sneed also "heard" that Madigan is considered a more formidable candidate against Republican Congressman Mark Kirk, who is also mulling a senate bid, than Alexi Giannoulias would be. Madigan denied that she was sending messages to potential challengers, though. "I don't need to send a messenger to Chris," she told Sneed. "I'm still up in the air about the Senate." Madigan contends that "the governor's race is still my main consideration," however.