Streets & Sans (Wrongly) Takes the Blame for Mural Snafu
By Marcus Gilmer in News on May 19, 2009 6:40PM
Ald. Balcer: Art Nemesis or Civic Saint? (bad MS Paint by Marcus Gilmer/Chicagoist)
As WBEZ points out, the question is raised: who's fault is it? Because Balcer certainly didn't mince words about the end result, saying, "Yeah, I'm the alderman here. I was told about it and I okay'd it and I stand by it." So...where's the miscommunication again? Alderman says do it, city worker does what he's told, city worker disciplined after outcry against alderman's decision from the public. Makes perfect sense to us.
Update: Mayor Daley has responded to the whole ordeal and his response is pure MayDay.