Is Chicago About To Be Annexed To Cat Country?
By Johnny Loftus in News on May 19, 2009 7:40PM

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With its easy mix of obvious country hitmakers, Cat Country would undoubtedly be lighter on Clear Channel's operating budget than a station with a dedicated local airstaff. A quick Google search reveals eight "Cat" stations, from New Jersey to Florida to South Bend, Indiana, each with nearly identical Web sites and promotions. If the Cat were to appear here, it'd also be the first true format competitor that the CBS-owned US99 has had in years.
There's no official word from Clear Channel or WNUA on the rumored changes. And while the economy hasn't done the broadcast industry any favors, format flips are nothing new. Still, whatever your opinion of smooth jazz or contemporary country, it's clear that terrestrial radio, just like the same-y fast food blah at each highway exit, is tumbling fast toward across-the dial homogeny. This burger tastes like static.