Mike Madigan's Connections
By Kevin Robinson in News on May 19, 2009 2:00PM
The Sun-Times dug up an obscure piece of testimony from Al Sanchez's corruption trial earlier this year. Referring to Jack Drumgould's statement that the Bureau of Electricity, part of the city's Department of Streets and Sanitation, was known as "Madigan Electric" because of many city workers connections to the state's House Speaker, the paper takes a closer look at campaign contributions to Mike Madigan from bureau employees. "In all, 16 employees of the bureau have contributed a total of $45,200 since 1997 to the speaker's 13th Ward Democratic Organization and to Citizens for Lisa Madigan, according to campaign records," the Sun-Times reports.
Rich Miller of Capital Fax is skeptical, however, on both sides.
"That works out to $235.42 per year per employee. Not much. But this statement is more than a bit weird..."Madigan doesn't have anything to do with hiring in Chicago," says his spokesman, Steve Brown.
What? Nothing at all? The Speaker, a ward committeeman for decades, has nothing to do with city hiring?
Drumgould, a retired personnel director in the Streets and Sanitation Department, testified in the Sanchez trial under immunity from prosecution.