Update: Loop Lab School Must Repay Grant
By Marcus Gilmer in News on May 20, 2009 9:00PM
Earlier, we mentioned today's hearing for the Loop Lab School over the controversial $1 million grant they received by mistake from then-governor Blagojevich. At the hearing, the school agreed to repay the $1 million it had received. School head Chandra Gill said today, "I was only interested in continuing the education of our children. The allegations are what they are. My intent was not to fight that.”
But that's not the only trouble they're facing. Besides the lawsuit from AG Madigan, the condo association of the post-fire site of the school is still seeking $200,000 for unpaid assessments and the IRS claims the school owes them hundreds of thousands of dollars. Meanwhile, Pilgrim Baptist Church has yet to officially receive any state funding. [Sun-Times]