City To Bears Tailgaters: Pay Up
By Marcus Gilmer in News on Jun 22, 2009 3:40PM
Bears fans planning on spending their Sundays tailgating at a pair of parking lots should prepare to pay a little bit more than they did last year. The two lots - one at the McCormick Center and one at 31st & S. Moe Dr. - will see nearly a 50 percent increase from their $17 2008 costs to $25 in 2009. And why, exactly? According to Mary Kay Marquisos, spokeswoman for the Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority, it's to cover "the cost of security, portable toilet facility rental, shuttle buses, cleaning and parking taxes." Also, due to ownership issues, there will be no parking at Michael Reese Hospital.
Contrary to some fears expressed by Bears fans in online chat rooms, officials said fans at 31st Street will still be able to partake of some activities forbidden in other lots: Fans can still erect canopies and tailgate during games -- a practice banned last year by the Park District and Bears in the lots closer to Soldier Field. And the McCormick lots will still open at 5 a.m.; the closer lots don't open until four hours before kick-off.Despite the looser rules than those at the Bears and Park District-run lots, Marquisos said "we did not have any major security incidents" at the parking lots last year.
Each of the lots has about 2,000 parking spots.