New Concert Series Comes to Logan Square
By Alexander Hough in Arts & Entertainment on Jun 25, 2009 7:20PM
Summer Sessions on the Square, a brand new concert series in Logan Square, makes its debut this Saturday. The concerts, which will take place on the last Saturday of every month through the end of September, will feature diverse line-ups of bands from the surrounding community, and will attempt to keep a family-friendly vibe with an early start time and a youth component among the performers.
The bare-bones series will bear little resemblance to typical Chicago neighborhood festivals: there will no vendors, no street closures, no plastic beer cups - actually, leave the alcohol at home since there's no special event liquor license here. Instead, attendees should pack a picnic, bring your dancing shoes, and head to the Illinois Centennial Monument - better known as the tall column in the actual Logan Square (which, by the way, was designed by Henry Bacon, the guy that designed the Lincoln Memorial in D.C.).
Saturday's music will bounce around the globe, bringing variety that will be typical of what will be on display at Summer Sessions: soul music from local cover band Baby Alright; jarocho, folk music from Veracruz, played by Son del Viento; and then hopping across the Gulf of Mexico to Puerto Rico for bomba and plena music from song, dance, and percussion workshop-turned-music group, Grupo Yuba.
Intersection of W. Logan and N. Milwaukee, Saturday, June 27, 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m., $5 suggested donation