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DOWNLOAD: The Horse's Ha

By Tankboy in Arts & Entertainment on Jul 2, 2009 6:40PM

James Elkington and Janet Beveridge Bean
The Horse's Ha, centered around The Zincs Jim Elkington and Freakwater/Eleventh Dream Day's Janet Beveridge Bean, is one of those quiet affairs steeped in an intimate countrified folksiness. That's how we would describe it to an outsider at least. To everyone else familiar with either's work we'd say it sounds exactly like what one would expect were The Zincs' and Freakwater's songs to get together and make babies. Exactly like that. Their debut Of The Cathmawr Yards is filled with all kinds of fragile little gems just begging for your attention.

But hey, we'll let the music speak for itself. Check out two track from their debut as well as a Slapp Happy cover that didn't make the final cut.

MP3: The Horse's Ha "Asleep In A Waterfall"
MP3: The Horse's Ha "The Piss Choir"
MP3: The Horse's Ha "Slow Moon's Rose (non-album track, Slapp Happy cover)"

The Horse's Ha plays a record release show for Of The Cathmawr Yards tomorrow, July 3, at Schubas, 3159 N Southport, 10 p.m., $10, 21+