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Quinn to Take a Break from Income Tax Hike Push

By Anthonia Akitunde in News on Jul 11, 2009 6:30PM

State legislators may need more time to "warm up" to an income tax increase. Which is why Governor Pat Quinn will take a break from his 67 percent income tax rate hike proposal, giving legislators until the fall to make a decision. Quinn told the Tribune he would focus on passing a "bare bones budget" to meet government needs until the tax hike is reconsidered in the fall.

After legislators have seen "budget and other reforms" at work in the new fiscal year, they can ask themselves "do they want to raise more revenue or do they want more cuts?” Quinn told the Tribune. Quinn said he is confident an income tax increase will go through in the fall. One by one, more lawmakers are seeing the need for the increase, he said.

Legislators will return to Springfield next week to continue working on the budget. The state is currently operating without an approved budget, way over the July 1 deadline (the beginning of the 2010 fiscal year).
