Bill Kim's Belly Grows (UPDATED)
By Chuck Sudo in Food on Jul 14, 2009 9:00PM
From Chicago Mag's Dish: Urban Belly owner/chef Bill Kim has signed a lease to open Belly Shack, an Asian and Latin-inspired BYOB counter service restaurant at 1912 N. Western. Think Kim's Urban Belly, but focusing on sandwiches and salads without the "Really? That much for dumplings?" price tag. Kim told Dish that he plans on having menu items at Belly Shack top out at $10.
h/t Ari Bendersky for the Belly Shack URL.
Update: Received this e-mail from Vella Café's Melissa Yen, who wrote, "We are closing the cafe. Our last day will be Aug 23. Sara (Voden) & I have decided to pursue other interests." (Emphasis ours.)