Extra, Extra
By Marcus Gilmer in News on Oct 13, 2009 10:00PM
- In light of yesterday's Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing, a bankruptcy court judge has once more given the okay for the Cubs to be sold to the Ricketts family.
- If, in a few months, you feel like your copy of the Chicago Tribune is shrinking, you're not imagining it.
- An Indiana National Guard soldier committed suicide in a Muncie, Indiana movie theater last night.
- A Geneva High School teacher is in hot water after students accused him of making a bigoted and racist remark; the student alleged the teacher said, in regards to tax money and the NEA, "How would you feel about your tax dollars going to pay some black fag in New York to take pictures of other black fags?"
- Get ready for another round of debate on health care reform; the Senate Finance Committee passed the plan by a vote of 14-9 with Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) being the lone GOP vote in favor of the reform.
- Contrary to what some stories in the local mainstream media would have you believe, there's nothing R-rated about potential Block 37 tenant Teatro ZinZanni.
- There's yet another Nobel Prize connection for the Chicago area.
- The AV Club has some suggestions for some locally-based websites that need a redesign. [via]