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'Birther' Hit With $20K Fine, Lawsuit Tossed

By Prescott Carlson in News on Oct 15, 2009 3:20PM

2009_10_14_orly.jpg First Hawaii told the "birthers" to knock it off, and now a federal judge has told them to give it a rest, too.

The prominent face of the movement challenging President Barack Obama's citizenship, Orly Taitz, went in front of Judge Clay Land in Georgia federal court for a ruling on the case of fellow birther U.S. Army Major Stefan Frederick Cook. Cook had challenged his deployment to Afghanistan, saying that Obama's "Commander in Chief" title is invalid, therefore, he is not authorized to deploy troops to war. Judge Land dismissed the suit, so presumably Major Cook is headed off to the Middle East for an awkward reunion with his fellow officers. But the judge wasn't going to let it end there -- he slapped Taitz with a $20,000 fine, saying that she has been filing lawsuits "as a platform for a political agenda disconnected from any legitimate legal cause of action." He must have really felt Taitz was a royal pain in the ass -- it's the first time the judge has imposed a monetary fine against an attorney without the request of opposing counsel.

Taitz says she has no intention of paying the fine. Oh, really?