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Chicagoist Podcast 12/4 - Burt Natarus Meets the Blair Witch

By Karl Klockars in Miscellaneous on Dec 4, 2009 8:50PM


We're throwing tradition to the wind and blowing everything up as the Chicagoist Podcast Series enters the winter season. This Friday podcast finds us all under a little bit of snow and trying to figure out exactly what the hell might be out there worth seeing this weekend. So this week on the podcast we're commandeering a few minutes of your final day of work during the week (be honest - you weren't doing anything this afternoon anyways) to talk with a couple people involved in some of the more interesting events in the next 72 hours.

First off, we had thought that the words "former Alderman Burt Natarus" and "onstage at Zanies" ne'er the twain should ever meet. But we were wrong. Natarus is taking the stage at the comedy outpost in Old Town for a performance of Love Letters, alongside local media type Cathi Watson for a charity show to benefit the Ogden School. Just whose idea was this? We'll find out.

If a rare onstage appearance from a former Alderman doesn't ring your bell, how about the director of the Blair Witch Project, Eduardo Sanchez, who'll be at the Movieside Film Festival "Terror In The Aisles 3" at the Portage Theater to introduce and discuss his internationally famous surprise hit of a film - and he's also discussing it with us in this week's podcast.

As always, you can subscribe to the Podcast Series through iTunes here, and our RSS feed is available for plugging into the Reader of your choice. As always, thanks for listening, let us know what you think of our end-of-week podcastery and enjoy your weekend!