Requiem for Standee's? Really?
By Chuck Sudo in Food on Dec 30, 2009 6:40PM
As if Healthy Food closing wasn't enough, now a diner for which we hold fond , well, we have memories of the place from when we lived up north. Anyway, it's closing tomorrow. Standee's (1133 W. Granville) was not offered a renewal of their lease, which has caused much hand-wringing among Loyola co-eds and other underage drinkers, fans of weak salty coffee and greasy food, people who can recite the lyrics to early Tom Waits records from memory and photographers who can't resist a killer looking neon sign as subject matter. The news also prompted the starting of "Save Standee's" (which we now can't find) and "Close Standee's" Facebook pages.
We called for and received confirmation of the closing from Standee's employees. We've been unable to speak with Standee's management, but those who answered the phone said that there was a slight possibility that the diner will relocate across the street. Take that as you will.