Andy Martin Calls Mark Kirk "De Facto Pedophile" In New Ad
By Marcus Gilmer in News on Jan 6, 2010 3:45PM
Andy Martin, the U.S. Senate candidate who made waves by claiming his opponent - U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk - was gay, is at it again, this time attacking Kirk for covering up pedophilia in the United States Congress. The minute-long ad began airing on local radio today. So how did Kirk - and Dennis Hastert - cover up pedophilia? By not stopping Mark Foley's infamous affairs with underaged staffers. Martin hits a new nadir when, in the ad, he makes clear that, "Kirk is not a pedophile," but then feels compelled to add that since Kirk helped to "cover up" Foley's trysts, that makes Kirk "a de facto pedophile." No. Really. He says that. Listen to the ad below:
So once again, Martin is playing with fire. Accusations of a cover-up? Well, that's one thing. But playing the "pedophile" card - right after the accusations of homosexuality? Damn. Martin only digs his hole deeper by the "he's not but he is" trick, a loophole by which he still manages to drop what he calls a "bunker buster." It's still a long road to February 2.