Chicago Landlord Is Suing Former Cub Milton Bradley For $44,100
By Anna Deem in News on Jan 16, 2010 10:00PM
As baseball season was starting last year, former Chicago Cub Milton Bradley signed a lease for a luxury Magnificent Mile condo, a $15,000-a-month lease that his landlord claims he walked out on this past October. The landlord and the realty company that helped lease the 24th-floor Park Hyatt condo, 800 N. Michigan Ave., are both suing Bradley for $44,100 in back rent, late fees, and interest through January. They will also be seeking further rent payments until the lease runs out.
The amount of money being sought is just a little bit more than the per-game total that Bradley was paid by the Cubs last season. His three-year, $30 million contract called for him to receive $7 million last year--which roughly approximates to $43,000 per game.
Papers filed in Cook County Circuit Court show that Bradley began renting the unit April 1, 2009--and stopped playing for the Cubs in October when their season ended. "Bradley abandoned the Leased Premises on or about Oct. 12, 2009," the suit states. Bradley was sent a "demand letter" for rent the following month, according to the suit. An "agent for Bradley" acknowledged the letter, but Bradley never wrote a check, the landlord alleges.
The realty company, Greenleaf Realty, has tried to ease Bradley's monetary loss by attempting to lease the condo, but they haven't had any luck so far. Bradley was traded to the Seattle Mariners on Dec. 18. [Chicago Sun-Times]