Arrest In Trucker Stabbing
By Marcus Gilmer in News on Jan 19, 2010 3:00PM
A Racine, Wisconsin man has been charged in last week's stabbing death of a trucker along the Edens Expressway. A first-degree murder charged was filed against David Seddon for allegedly stabbing Alan Lauritzen to death in an altercation last week. According to the Sun-Times' report:
State Police said a motorist called at 10:42 a.m. Friday to report two men were in an “altercation” and two 18-wheel semis were parked on the east-side shoulder of the Edens just below the Tower Road overpass.Soon after, another motorist stopped to give first aid to a man he found lying unconscious on the pavement beside a truck. At that time, the second truck was gone.
Seddon is due to appear for a bond court hearing this morning in Skokie.