PETA Can't Stop Streator's Donkey Basketball Game
By Marcus Gilmer in Miscellaneous on Jan 20, 2010 4:20PM
Despite protests from PETA, a donkey basketball fundraiser in Streator will go on as planned tonight. The organization has long protested these events and had called for an end to this particular event but local officials running the game said they're going forward with it and are taking precautions to ensure none of the animals are hurt. Kevin Myers, superintendent of the La Salle County School District, told The Times (of Ottawa, IL), "We looked at the community to see how they were responding. So far, we haven't received any phone calls besides the representative from PETA. We've sold 500 tickets and we plan on selling 200 more. I feel like this is an opportunity for people to come into our building and enjoy it." The game is being held at Streator Township High School and participants will represent a range of local community groups.
Myers also insisted research was done to ensure a respected, responsible company - in this case, Dairyland Donkey Ball - was hired to run the event: "We made reference checks with other schools to make sure they are a reputable business,"Myers said. "They have a good track record."
Participants are required to attend a meeting an hour before the game and are lectured on humane treatment. No one more than 225 pounds are allowed to ride on the backs of the 500- to 800-pound donkeys. Whenever a donkey is hit by a stray basketball, the game is stopped and players must get off their animal and kiss it.
Part of PETA's reason for protesting these games is an ongoing effort to get donkeys included in the Animal Welfare Act. Originally passed in 1966, donkeys are currently covered by the act and companies who run donkey basketball games don't have to meet any federal regulations.