Year Two
By Marcus Gilmer in Miscellaneous on Jan 21, 2010 3:40PM
"You can do this, B. Just walk out there, look Justice Roberts square in the eye, and repeat that oath. BOOM. We got this. Don't think about what Rahm said, you won't mess the oath up. Following the least popular President ever, biggest inauguration crowd ever, hit my buzz words in the speech and I'm good. Got it. Get 'er done. Gonna close Guantanamo, gonna get us some universal health care, get some equal rights for gays, right the economy. It's gonna be a good year. Maybe if I have time, I'll ask Utah and New Orleans to swap NBA nicknames. The Utah Jazz? Dubya-tee-eff? Everyone knows that nickname should be in New Orleans. Pistol Pete. PISTOL! That's me. President Barack "The Pistol" Obama. I like it. Note to self: change my Twitter handle to that. Okay. Time to go, time to get this done. This is gonna be the BEST. INAUGURATION. EVER. Because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and, doggonit, people like me. LET'S DO THIS."