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Metra Officials Propose Selling Naming Rights

By Prescott Carlson in News on Feb 13, 2010 5:00PM

2010_01_31_metra.jpg Folks coming into the city from Schaumburg may find themselves riding the Good & Plenty Express if a Metra idea goes through to start selling naming rights to lines, train stations, and bridges. Metra recently raised fares to try and close a projected $60-70 million budget hole that they claim are due to a drop in sales tax revenues, the free rides for seniors program, and a decrease in ridership by workday commuters because of high unemployment rates. Selling naming rights could bring in needed revenue and help prevent more fare hikes in the near future.

The plan echoes talks last fall between the CTA and Apple, who are interested in hyper-branding the Red Line North/Clybourn stop to coincide with the Apple store going up nearby.

But don't expect your Metra stop to be plastered with logos just yet -- Metra spokeswoman Judy Pardonnet told the Trib that the idea is "just exploratory" right now, and that "the whole idea is just to put it out there and see who may [be interested]."