Today's Weather: Ashen
By Staff in News on Feb 17, 2010 1:30PM
Image Credit: phototravel1.
It's Ash Wednesday, folks. Genesis 3:19 states, "Remember, O man, that you are dust, and unto dust you shall return." Right now, however, you're flesh and bone and shivering at the thought of another overcast day with a chance of snow flurries and a high of 32°F. Pick a seat on the train this morning next to someone with an ashy forehead reeking so strong of vodka vapors he may spontaneously combust. That person will keep you warm.
We also want to remind you that, once you're done repenting and hearing the good news (Mark 1:15), you should join us at Hideout this evening as Chuck and Megan will be among the guests doling out soup for their "Soup and Bread" series from 5:30-8 p.m. (Carrie was also scheduled but is tending to other matters this evening.) Come say hello, warm your bones with some soup and help raise funds for Lakeview Pantry.