Students Suspended For "Ripping Off" CTA
By Marcus Gilmer in News on Feb 26, 2010 10:40PM
Just as with last week's Facebook page incident, a group of student's has found themselves serving a suspension for something that occurred off of school grounds. This time, though, the suspension was at least backed by a portion of the school's conduct code as the students were caught ripping off the CTA for a free ride. Last week, CBS 2 aired video of people - the teens included - exploiting a design flaw in revolving doors at the Kedzie Brown Line stop. This week, a dozen Von Steuben High students found themselves suspended for a day for violating part of the magnet school's conduct code: "Students may be subject to disciplinary action for violations of inappropriate Behavior that occur either on or outside of school grounds." The CTA is in the midst of fixing the door to prevent such shenanigans in the future.