Quinn Hits Back On Brady At Dog Show
By Marcus Gilmer in News on Feb 28, 2010 8:20PM
Gov, Quinn used this weekend's International Kennel Club to hit back at GOP gubernatorial candidate State Senator Bill Brady over a bill regarding euthanizing multiple animals at one time, a bill Brady himself has backed off. Said Quinn:
“That was a terrible piece of legislation and I think everybody in Illinois knows it. A bill was put in to allow a mass killing of dogs and cats in the gas chanber. Putting all those anuimals together... many of them obviously very fearful as you put them in a small, contained place, perhaps fighting with each other, for them to be subject in their last minutes on earth to that kind of cruelty, is just plain wrong... There may be firms out there that think they can make money by mass killings of dogs, puppies and kittens. But that’s not what our state stands for and that law will never be approved.”
Brady sponsored the bill but has since back-pedaled.